... after five years, we have spent five weeks together: working, sharing, discussing, arguing, playing, trying, understanding, moving, sweating... to prepare ourselves all we can for next week, so when we, you and us, meet in the theatre, together, we could go somewhere else, somewhere further, in our mind, heart, and soul... looking forward to...
「劇場工房 —— 總體劇場表演者實習培養計劃」開放排練室活動 Photo by Sam Leong “在表演美學上的差異尚不明顯,在演出量增、全職表演者的數量卻有待增長的情況下,不同演出中出現相同演員的情況十分普遍,製作一個接一個,未有足夠的空間讓表演者對表演經驗進行整理與反思,於是當遇到一些要求非主流表演風格的作品時,作為直接面對觀眾、站在作品前線的表演者便面臨較大的考驗。” —— 節錄自:踱迢,「眾藝館」《表演培訓認命乎?》,澳門日報C02版「新園地」
很認同踱迢兄的觀點,此外還覺得,「表演者」除了需要「站在作品前線」外,還可以是一個作品能否成為作品的關鍵,甚至是建構某種美學的主要元素。 在呈現當晚的後續討論過程中,我們也強烈的感受到觀眾的參與對劇場的重要性;這種參與絕不單是市場方面的,而是我們經常談論到的 —— 在此時、此地人與人之間真實的交流。 透過當晚的討論,我們察覺:觀眾在進入劇場時,其實都在期待甚麼?相對於對其他媒介較普遍的印象如電影的官能刺激、電視的娛樂與消費,劇場能帶給公眾的又是一個怎樣的選擇或體驗?而這種體驗,也許和表演者的技藝一樣,是需要時間和空間來培養、演練的。 期待 2018 年度的表演者實習培養計劃,敬請留意。 KaMan 全文連結:http://www.macaodaily.com/html/2018-04/15/content_1258410.htm In 2013, I was luckily chosen to join a Singapore-Macau collaboration for the 24th Macau Arts Festival. During that time, I had a wonderful experience working with Heng Leun (慶亮), Drama Box - the Singapore company, and Wan Ching (婉婧).
The next year, in 2014, when Dirks first launched the 'Theatre Workshop' series, we invited Wan Ching to come to Macau and hold a Viewpoint workshop for us. Shin Rock was introduced to us by her then. And at the same period Sinéad was invited too to share her knowledge of Biomechanics with us. Both of them encountered the high temperature and humidity of Macau for their first time. Two years later, after Sinéad's second visit to Macau, with her precious experience on Michael Chekhov's technique on Acting, we talked (or dreamt) about possibilities of working together in the future. Finally, after proposing for the second time, Night Just Before the Forests was chosen to take part in the 29th Macau Arts Festival. With the idea of having five performers with different nationalities and genders, Tai Yin (泰然) becomes our new friend. Sometimes I wonder what brings us together. Chance? Luck? Network? Or, the efforts that each of us had made to stay in/with theatre? The photo above was taken on our first day of rehearsal, the first circle we formed in the space. KaMan * Photo by Alena Shen (彥妤) our Rehearsal Documentation Personnel. |
October 2019
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